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Major changes to Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

Written by Elspeth McPherson on Friday, May 17th, 2024

PIP Consultation

The Government is planning on changing Personal Independence Payment (PIP).

PIP is the UK's disability benefit.

It is awarded for care needs and for mobility needs.

It is given to people aged 18+ to help with the extra costs disability brings.

It is used by disabled people to help pay for things like:

  • help at home such as a cleaner, gardener and handyperson
  • help with electricity, gas and water costs
  • therapies
  • transport

PIP is given to disabled people in work and out of work.

It is run by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).



Some of the changes the Government is proposing are:

  • giving vouchers not PIP payments
  • offering aids and adaptations not PIP payments
  • changing the way PIP is assessed and reviewed
  • asking Local Authorities or the NHS to take over PIP
  • providing grants
  • providing therapies


Aids and equipment already must be issued free of charge under the Care Act up to the value of £1,000.

Household adaptations such as stair lifts, showers and hoists are also covered by the Disability Facilities Grant.  This is means tested for adults.

It is unclear what vouchers disabled adults would need or be able to use.

By moving PIP to local authorities or the NHS, we would no longer have a national disability benefit.  The changes are likely to over-whelm local authority and NHS services.

Please take part in the Consultation. It's very important your voice is heard.  Please also contact your local MP. The Consultation closes in July.

We will be working with Clients at Journey on the Easy Read version so that Clients' views are heard.