Journey Enterprises has to raise funds to deliver its services.
Our charity costs just over £1m a year to run or £545/hour.
We receive Adult Social Care and Continuing Healthcare funds from:
- Birmingham City Council
- Durham County Council
- Gateshead Borough Council
- Newcastle City Council
- North Tyneside Council
- Northumberland County Council
- NHS Northumbria Foundation Trust
This is equivalent to average funding of £9.60/hour for each Client in Day Service.
We receive charitable grants from a range of charitable trusts to enable us to deliver Client Projects. We are very grateful for their support and generosity.
This year's funders are:
- Catherine Cookson Trust
- Darlington Building Society
- Global Make Some Noise
- The Henry Smith Charity
- TNL Community Fund
- The Santander Foundation
The Charity runs enterprises.
These Clients work experience and provide a service to the community.
These are:
- arts and crafts sales
- bakery sales
- community cafes
- gardening and woodwork sales
- mobile meals services for older adults
- pay what you can shop
Every year amazing members of the public, community groups and parents/Carers raise funds for the Charity.
They do this by:
- gifting items
- giving directly
- running special events
- stalls and sales
- sponsored runs, hikes and jumps
A huge thank you to you all.